If you’ve been charged with driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI), you are facing serious criminal charges that can affect you for the rest of your life.
At the St. Charles law office of Flesner Wentzel, our attorneys do everything possible to contest your charges or negotiate on your behalf to get you the best possible outcome.
Effective Defense Against Drunk Driving Charges
At Flesner Wentzel, we help our clients resolve DUI and DWI charges in the most efficient and effective manner possible.
During a DUI or DWI prosecution, you have two cases to worry about, the administrative case, affecting your ability to continue to drive in Missouri, and the criminal case, which determines if and how you are punished for driving under the influence. Flesner Wentzel’s attorneys will handle both of these cases for you.
In Missouri, your driver’s license will automatically be suspended if you are accused of driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence. If you don’t want that to happen, you have to take steps to protect your right and contest the Department of Revenue’s right to suspend your license. Administrative cases with the Department of Revenue about your rights to continue driving are difficult to win because there is a high burden of proof on the driver. At Flesner Wentzel, we will obtain and analyze the evidence the Department of Revenue will use against you at this hearing. We retain experts in DUI and DWI to make sure that the police followed every procedure they were required to.
The criminal case can be handled at either the county or municipal level. The St. Louis area has numerous municipal courts that could charge you with a DUI or DWI. Flesner Wentzel will go to work for you, no matter who has charged you. We appear in Court for you, so that you can continue to live your life without any more court appearances than are absolutely necessary.
Sometimes, it makes sense for a client to accept a plea deal on their first drinking and driving charge. At Flesner Wentzel, we listen to our client’s needs and put our clients’ interests first. We won’t push expensive litigation when a beneficial plea agreement has been offered, and we will never try to convince you to accept a plea deal that isn’t in your best interests.
When considering the evidence, our attorneys examine every aspect of your arrest and the allegations against you, including:
Why you were stopped and whether there was probable cause to ask you for field sobriety or breath tests
Whether the field sobriety tests were properly administered
Whether the breathalyzer test results are valid
Whether injuries you sustained or medication you were on might have affected your field sobriety or breathalyzer results.
If the police involved did not follow the required procedures, we will fight to have evidence thrown out and your case dismissed.
St. Louis DWI Lawyers
If you have been arrested or received a ticket for any drinking and driving-related offense, you need to act immediately to preserve your rights. The administrative portion of your case will proceed and your license will be suspended without further notice to you unless you act immediately to notify the Department of Revenue that you intend to contest the case against you. It is important to act quickly.
Contact St. Charles DUI and DWI defense lawyers of Flesner Wentzel at 636-442-4529 to discuss your options. Se habla Español.